meditationBiofeedback is a treatment technique where people can improve their health by understanding and using signals from their own bodies.

If you have ever taken your temperature or stepped on a scale, you’ve used Biofeedback. The thermometer tells you whether you’re running a fever, the scale whether you’ve gained weight. Both devices “feed back” information about your body’s condition.  This information lets you improve the condition. When you’re running a fever, you go to bed and drink plenty of fluids. When you’ve gained weight, you resolve to eat less.
Biofeedback is helps you gain more awareness of many physiological conditions, with the idea of manipulate them at will.  This can include brainwaves, muscle tone, voice analysis, skin conductance, heart rate and pain perception.  A biofeedback machine allows users to see or hear activity inside their bodies.

biofeedback-bottom-row-3The Quantum Genius monitors brain wave activity real time by recording the voice as a form of biofeedback.  The software then shows you a visualization of how the brain is adjusting to the therapy sessions with The Quantum Genius Software.

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